Underbelly Creative


This collection of some of my favorite internal work for Underbelly starts with a short video made to document the creation of their new sign. Brimley Neon is a family owned and operated neon sign shop and this video captures their cool vibe and dedication to their process.

Below the neon sign video is some product photography I shot for the Underbelly store and promotional materials. I shot these photos on white to contrast the grey and white clothing helping draw attention to those finer details. The jacket and pants were designed by Dave Keller.

Clothing Design
Dave Keller

Underbelly Team Animation

One quarter Underbelly had a goal to create something as a team where anyone of any skill level could jump in and contribute. I lead the direction and execution of this quick looping animation we were able to get everyone from the admin team to the dev team and design teams to make frames.

Below is branded product photography I shot for the Underbelly store and other promotional materials. The concept for this gift bag of swag was an ocean themed sandwich shop. This photo shoot highlights these aspects with a matching bright red background and matching lifestyle shoot.

Brand & Packaging Design
Underbelly Visual Design Team

Utah Wildlife Mural

A talented illustrator and designer was given the chance to create a mural for the common space at Underbelly Creative’s new building. With no concept and a giant blank canvas to start with he was able to put together this awesome mural that highlights his (and Underbelly’s) love of Utah, the great outdoors and illustration.

Brad Edwards