

A Utah based teeth aligner company updated their client facing documentation and needed an instructional video to accompany the changes. The largest pain points for clients was producing bad impressions and having to redo it, but it wasn't clear as to where there was confusion in the instructions. I organized a user testing session for people to make impressions and confirm we hit on all of the pain points and identified anywhere there was confusion when creating an impression.

On top of just not reading the instructions to start, our biggest take aways were confusion around timers, specifically how long to mix the putty together, and apprehension to reach out to customer service at any point. These areas were all emphasized in the video with a bumper to read the instructions at the beginning, the inclusion of a timer during all time sensitive parts and several clear bumpers reiterating to reach out to customer service for any reason at any point in the process.

Hadleigh Arnst